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Highlight your services in the advertising research and analytics space with a Featured Company Listing.

Wonks reaches over 1,500 decision makers at brands, agencies, publishers, research firms and data companies.

Featured Listings are $1,500 per year and include:

  • Solo email to the list introducing your brand
  • Inclusion on the Featured Companies page
  • Weekly mention in the Digest newsletter
  • Complementary Job, Content and Event listings for the duration of the listing
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
A short summary of your business's services. Start with the few words that will be automatically included in the weekly Wonks digest email.
Short description shown on the companies listing page
(Please list one or more names of service categories, e.g., brand lift; data modeling; syndicated research, etc.)

Services Listing Fee

All service listings are posted on the site and noted in the weekly email for a fee of $100 for a month, $250 for a quarter and $750 for a year. All services listed are in alphabetical order. (Note: We do not represent any of these services and suggest appropriate due diligence in choosing all vendors.)
