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Research Wonks is the premier forum for people who work in media and advertising research, analytics and data science.

About Wonks

In 2005, Wonks was founded by Rick Bruner, who envisioned a forum for open expression among those engaged in the advertising research community. Stefan Tornquist joined as President and co-moderator in 2019.

All discussions take place on a private email listserv. Membership is free but must be qualified.  The membership includes senior leaders from advertisers, agencies, publishers, and research firms.

The group maintains a strict confidentiality policy: what’s said on the Wonks stays on the Wonks.

Wonks Sponsorship and
Listings Availabilities

Wonks reaches over 1,600 of the world’s leading executives focused on advertising research and analytics. It is a private forum restricted to the people and firms conducting and using media, marketing, and advertising research. Seventy-four percent of the group are financial decision makers at their firms.

Featured Content

The following is a list of whitepapers and other featured content that may interest the advertising research and analytics community. Unless otherwise specified, they are paid listings as recommendations by the site’s editors.

To post a listing featuring your company’s content, click on Learn More for details.

All Jobs

The Research Wonks is proud to feature job listings for our highly qualified membership.

Job listings begin at $100 per month.

Jobseeker postings to the list are free.

Industry Events

This calendar represents events of particular interest to the Wonks community. These are a mix of editorial and paid listings.

What Our Members Say

Research Wonks is the premier forum for people who work in media and advertising research, analytics, and data science.