Wonk spelled backward is “know.”
The Research Wonks is a private discussion community for media professionals focused on audience research, advertising ROI, marketing data science and related functions.
It is also a media brand, with podcast, and this website, which includes, job listings, an industry, recommended reading, blog posts and more.
The Wonks forum was established in 2005 and has grown to an influential professional body of more than 1,300 members worldwide. The forum was founded by Rick Bruner, a longtime advertising measurement expert. Stefan Tornquist, a market research leader, joined him more recently to co-moderate the forum and help develop enrich the community and share its insights on the website, podcast, events and beyond.
Discussions take place primarily via an open email forum. Those threads are backed up as an archive on this website (as of 2019), for members only. Members also get together in person and by webinar at select networking functions.